zaterdag 17 januari 2015

Online voting TED Worldwide Award

You now can online vote on the nominees of the TED Worldwide Award by using this link :

Please support me and my two nominated bears with your vote!!

Little Timmy -Available-

Meet my little Timmy.

Little Timmy is about 13 centimeter tall and made of a light orange minifabric, his hands and feet are made of a light green quiltfabric with hartdesign on it.
He has black german glass eyes and a little brown stitched nose.

On his head little Timmy  has a nightcap made of the same quiltfabric as his hands and feet, the nightcap has at the end a little tag in hartdesign.

Little Timmy is five way jointed and filled with synthetic  fabric and little steelpellets for having a little bit of weight.

Little Timmy is a one of a kind Mirabeer and handmade with a lot of love.

Adoptionfee 44$

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