woensdag 25 maart 2015

Geboorteberen - special birth bear

Since a while i am making special bears that people can give when a baby is born and because i am getting a lot of questions about examples......here they are.

The bears are 25 centimeter tall and made of a white Steiff Schulte mohair with a coloured tipp ( available are green,yellow, blue, red, pink ) a bear in one colour is also possible
The bears have special eyes and discs so that the eyes, arms, legs are not coming loose, for the filling i use a babyfrienly pandafilling.

It cost two weeks to make the bear and cost between the 40 and 50 euro.
If you are interested you can contact me

A couple of examples.

maandag 16 maart 2015

Pinokkio goes Classic wins a TEDE Worldwide award and Rosemarie third place

I am so proud because my Pinokkio goes Classic won a TED Worldwide Award in the category Subject Bear.

Thank you al for your support and for your votes!!!!!

And my Rosemarie got the third place in the category Old Fashion Teddy !!!